The Sample Board Coffee table

Principal-in-charge: Shi Zhou
Project Assistant: Jiaxiao Bao, Feifei Chen, Ming Tang
Photographer: Chunhui Mo
Terrazzo Supplier: Ningbo Shuyi Decoration and Construction Materials Ltd.
As designers, part of our daily work routine is to examine material samples of all sizes and types, varying from concrete to leather. Amongst them, stone samples are probably one of the heaviest, most commonly specified and of the largest quantities – we would often need to take the stone samples out from the material library racks, and lay them on the concrete floor for review before putting them back piece by piece.
One day while we were putting the samples away, a thought came into our mind: if we make the surface of our lounge coffee table with those most frequently used samples, and use that as a sample board for checking and selecting material palettes, it would save us some time and efforts.
Working with the contractors and after several rounds of testing, we finally have a coffee table serving also as Sample Board. Aside from the 100x100mm stone samples, other frequently used materials such as concrete, bronze and terrazzo have been used for the counter surface aggregate, edge trim as well as support of the Sample Board coffee table.
作为设计师,我们的日常工作之一是查看大大小小的材料样板,从水泥制品到皮革,品类繁多; 其中,石材是数量最多、使用频率最高且最重的材料样板之一 —— 我们常常需要把材料库中的石材样板拿出来摊开摆在办公室的素混凝土地面上,从中挑选完后再收回架子上。
经过和加工师傅的多次沟通、打板、工作室客厅的茶几换成了一张以平日设计中最常用材料制成的茶几兼“样板台“。除了100*100mm 的石材小样,桌面、收边、支撑部分的材料采用我们项目中选用频率很高的混凝土、黄铜、水磨石等。