stacked x neighborhood ,The Dream Apartment Competition

stacked x neighborhood

叠 x 坊



Area: 19640sqm

Design Consultant: Studio 10

Director: Shi Zhou

Design Team: Chunhui Mo, Xin Zheng, Zixia Huang



设计顾问:Studio 10



Young newcomers in metropolis tend to choose apartments in urban villages/developed neighborhood as their first stop –  not only for its relatively low rent, developed community amenities as well as convenient location, but also for the intimate, interconnected social network that has been nurtured and tightened due to the spatial organization and human scale of these neighborhoods, which brings strong sense of security, community support as well as potential work opportunities to these newcomers.

However, the downsides of the urban villages/developed neighborhoods are also obvious: insufficient natural light, ventilation, view and privacy, lack of unit size/type variety, amenities and dated infrastructure, just to name a few; additionally, the plot ratio is usually low, conflicting with the increasing demand for urban land supply in the rapid urbanization process. Therefore, it is common for young individuals and families to move to new residential developments in a less convenient location but with better “hardware”, although that means they have to give up the friendly, convenient and intimate community environment as well as social connection of the urban villages/developed neighborhood.

The project explores new typology of residential architecture for balance between the two aspects, maintaining the amenable, livable scale of the housing clusters, alleys and small plazas of the developed neighborhoods and urban villages, while reconfiguring these components so that sufficient natural light, ventilation, privacy, view, infrastructure and amenities are provided for each tenant. 

The flexible combination of the basic “module” has created various types of units to choose from , whether for those living on their own or young married couple w/wo kids.  In addition, in the context of Chinese cities, the fact that each unit is an independent “house” or townhouse allows these family to live close to their parents and take care of them easily while ensuring the privacy for both generations.

大城市中初来乍到的青年人往往会选择城中村或者旧社区的公寓作为第一个落脚处 – 不仅因为其相对低廉的租金、成熟的社区配套及地理位置的便利,也因为城中村和旧社区人性化的城市空间组织形式和街坊尺度,更利于人与人之间形成一张张紧密的社区内社会关系网,给人们带来安全感、社区支持甚至潜在的工作机会。



通过最小单元模块的灵活组合,项目提供了多种户型供选择 - 单身青年、双人或丁克家庭和三/四口之家都可以找到合适自己的户型。此外,独栋的模块化设计也为解决日益凸显的养老问题提供了一种新的可能性:可以将父母接过来居住于同一组团的不同户内,方便照顾的同时保证孩子和父母家庭各自的私密性。