Hall of Immortality at Longshan Cemetery, Henan, china
不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂,中国河南

Location: Longshan Cemetery, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, China
Status: Completed 2020
Area: 93sqm
Client: Xiuwu County Longshan Cemetery / Xiuwu County Xiu Xin Shang Wu Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
Architectural and Interior Design Consultant: Studio 10
Principal‐in‐charge: Shi Zhou
Design Team: An Huang, Chunhui Mo, Xin Zheng, Hao Wu(Intern), Liangyu Shen(Intern), Yue Yu(Intern), Zhenjie Chen(Intern), Feifei Chen(Project Assistant), Jiaxiao Bao(Project Assistant), Ming Tang(Project Assistant) (in alphabetical order)
Construction Drawings Consultant: Shaohui Li
Graphic Design Consultant: SURE Design
Lighting Design Consultant: Matt Lighting Design Associates
Photographer: Chao Zhang, Bruce Zheng
Studio10 Instagram: studio10design
项目业主:修武县龙山陵园 / 修武县修心尚武文化发展有限责任公司
建筑及室内设计顾问:Studio 10
平面设计顾问:SURE Design
Studio 10微信&微博&Instagram: studio10design
In cities or villages, regardless of where we live, mortality is the destiny shared by us all.
When its inevitability is a given, how do we handle death? Aside from the ancient traditions and rituals, what are our alternative options in terms of commemorating and perceiving death - whether it is the passing of our beloved ones, or the end of our own journey of life?
Bearing these queries in mind, we have started the design of the Memorial Hall at Longshan Cemetery and continued to seek for the answers throughout.
Longshan Cemetery is located on the barren hills west of Caipo Village. It mainly serves residents of Jiaozuo City and the rural neighborhood of Xiuwu County, Henan Province, China.
The site of the Memorial Hall is located at the northwest corner of a backfilled mine area at the entrance of the main campus, and is triangular in shape; directly to the north, the plot is adjacent to the incinerating area where mourners would burn incense sticks and money as part of the traditional ritual, while to its west is the campus vehicular road as well as the main reception area. As a result, the surroundings of the site are relatively chaotic.
The memorial hall was named by the owner Hall of Immortality, because we are essentially all “mortal”. However, experiencing and witnessing death may be one of those moments in life when we get closest to Immortality – it is one when we are most intimately connected with Nature, that reaffirms through “mixing forever with the elements” our eternal interconnection with everything else instead of the “ultimate separation”.
In order to create a space where one can stay away from the sobbing, groans, the dust and smoke from the traditional burning ritual as well as the shuttle golf carts, we have enclosed the triangular plot with high walls on all three sides, leaving only a narrow slit on the south end; the space was meant to be a quiet and introverted place for contemplation – focusing on emotions, senses and the fundamental elements of nature that are presented in the space: light, water, soil, sky, clouds, rocks and trees- These are not only the end, but also the starting point of life, an infinite cycle.
Mourners would wash their hands at the fountain upon entry, then head to the perimeter walkway enclosed by high walls. Through the narrow gap between the eaves of the dark entrance porch with low ceiling height and the perimeter wall, a strip of sky and a few cypresses are revealed. You almost do not feel the presence of the incinerating area at the other side of the wall; while waiting to enter the main venue, one can sit on the benches under the porch quietly and get a sense of the changing clouds, light and shadow through that gap.
Entering the main hall, light would gradually change from dark to bright, pouring down from the main skylights above the marble Urn Altar at the far end as well as from the narrow slots on the sides. A stream of water tickling down the gutter along the wall is connected to the fountain at the entrance, forming an endless cycle while introducing the gurgling sound of nature into the space.
Custom-made bronze Eternal Lamp, door handles and skirting lights are all triangular in profile, which coincides with the shape of building plan; the perfect geometry of the equilateral triangle implies the immaculacy of life, the circulation of energy and the transcendence of dimensions.
The carefully designed one-way circulation in and out of the complex ensures the privacy of each mourner; after the ceremony, the mourners can pass through the walled walkway on the other side to the exit, where before leaving, the sound of flowing water at the fountain can be heard once again.
项目业主为其命名“不朽堂”,这一名字本身即体现了拥有有限生命的人类对“永恒”的渴望;而事实上,经历、目睹死亡或许正是人们得以最接近于窥探“不朽“奥秘的时刻 —— 在这一刻,我们与自然联结最为紧密,藉死亡以再次印证自我与万物的相互联系, 而非终极的分离、断绝。
因此,我们希望营造一个安静、内向的沉思场所,使人们远离园区此起彼伏的悲泣声、穿梭的电瓶车和祭拜焚烧的烟尘余烬,专注于感受建筑中与生命密切相关的自然基本元素:光、水、土、天空、云、石、树 —— 既是生命终点,更是起点,暗含生生不息的循环。